Wildlife removal and pest control services for the San Diego and surrounding areas.
Skunk Removal
skunk removal san diego, ca
Skunks and their spray, the most infamous smelly creature, with the Spraying of eye watering, nasal assaulting musk.
The odor that skunks spray is in defense to larger predators, they dig holes in lawns, tear up foliage, eat garden produce.
They are also known for being a host for rabies. Skunks often den under houses, sheds, Jacuzzis, decks, and any other opening they can fit through, or dig under.
Which can be as small as a woman's fist. They rarely climb anything that is more than a foot and a half high. Finding shelter is one of their top priorities.
So, if your house, shed, or the like isn't sealed, or rather not skunk proofed, they will move in and become your newest neighbor. Just what you've always wanted right? LOL...These well adjusted animals have some very bad habits.
They can get into your trash, if left on the ground, dig up your lawn (tell tale signs a skunk has been in your yard, is that the holes in your lawn or flower beds resemble that of a small funnel, or cone shape.)
Skunks are a vital part of mother nature, these wonderful, stinky, cute, black and white Kitty's eat insects, and help control our rodent populations, but the down side to these Stink Bombs is that they also prey on chickens, the occasional rabbit, eat your produce (i.e. fruits, and vegetables, damage beehives, dig under our houses, sheds, Jacuzzis etc.) The best attribute of a skunk is that they eat spiders...
The striped skunk such as the one in the above picture (Taken by one of our Techs.) is characterized by prominent, lateral white stripes that run down its back.
Its fur is otherwise jet black. Striped skunks are the most abundant of the four species. The body of the striped skunk is about the size of an ordinary house cat (up to 29 inches [74 cm] long and weighing up to 8 pounds [3.6 kg] ). Additional information on the Skunks in Southern Ca
At “SPEEDY ANIMAL CONTROL” we strive to quickly get rid of your skunks by using specialized Traps. We have developed a sure fire way to catch them without using bait.
We call it the "Ambush Technique" After the animal has been trapped we humanely remove the offending Skunk, or skunks The Skunks that spray the most in the San Diego area are the Stripped Skunk. All trapping is done in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
We humanely Trap, control and Remove most animals. If the removal of nuisance skunks must be done, it should only be performed by Trained and Licensed Professionals who are adept at using the latest trapping methods. In many cases, animals cause moderate to severe damage to property.
Preventative maintenance is highly recommended to keep those pesky animals from returning.
Our San Diego Skunk Trapping, Control and Removal Service may include:
Inspection and Assessment
Setting the appropriate Trap (s)
Catching our Target Animals
Removing Nuisance Skunks
Getting rid of skunks
Sanitizing and Decontaminating the Affected Area
If babies are caught, and the mother isn’t, we take them to Project Wildlife, or the closest rehabilitation center and as soon as the mother is caught, we reunite them.
Repairs and or Preventative Maintenance may be needed to keep those pesky Skunks out, and are not typically included in this particular service. Your Damage Control Specialist will advise accordingly.
Raccoon Removal
skunk removal san diego, raccoon removal san diego
Did you know that the Raccoons in San Diego County can cause different types of damage which are almost too numerous to mention?
In urban environments, These masked crusaders are more than capable of finding shelter just about anywhere.
For instance, if the crawlspace under your house is open, or if your chimney is uncapped, they will take full advantage of your hospitality, and move in. Should you charge them rent? Of Course, but good luck collecting it! In the spring time they have been known to tear off shingles or fascia in order to gain entrance to an attic or wall void.
They're favorite past time seems to be tearing up newly laid sod (lawn). Is this just for their own amusement? No, they do this in search for food such as: Grubs and earthworms. MMMM.....sounds yummy doesn't it? NOT!
Many a Precious Garden have also be ransacked. Another unsavory act Raccoons perform is, knocking over trash cans and enjoying your leftovers. "Honey those stupid Raccoons did it again!" In more rural environments, Raccoons have been known to feast on prized poultry (Chickens and other fowl).
And have made many a farmer mad doing this. On a more serious note, these wild animals contain parasites, diseases, and pose health risks.
When these Raccoons take up residence in your homes they often urinate and defecate everywhere. This can cause major health risks.
Removal of these wild animals must be done, and should only be performed by Trained-Licensed Professionals.
Opossum Removal
opossum removal san diego, ca
Opossums dig up our lawns and flower beds. They tear off siding, and enter out houses either through opens they have made themselves, or ones that the builder left open.
Their main diet consists of grubs, rodents, trash, love to eat bugs, and insects. The fleas and ticks they harbor, carry harmful parasites and disease. They tend to make homes in our attics and leave a large amount of urine, feces, and left over meals. These creatures have a pouch much like he kangaroo.
And once the little ones are born, the grip onto moms fur and make their way to the pouch to nurse.
At “SPEEDY ANIMAL CONTROL” we strive to quickly capture and remove the nuisance Opossums in the city of San Diego and surounding areas.
Captured Opossums are humanely released in approved areas far from their capture sites, or euthanized in a humane manner as the situation dictates. All trapping is done in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
We humanely capture and remove most animals.Removal of these Opossums is a must, and should only be performed by trained and licensed professionals. In many cases, animals cause moderate to severe damage to property.
Preventative maintenance is highly recommended to keep those pesky animals from returning.
Snake Removal
snake removal aviara, ca
WHAT TO DO IF BITTEN BY A SNAKE: IF BITTEN BY A RATTLESNAKE: Stay calm and send someone to CALL 911. The victim should remain calm by lying down with the affected limb lower than the heart.
DO NOT waste precious time on tourniquets, “cutting and sucking,” or snake bite kits. If done wrong these can make the situation even worse. If you are by yourself, and have a working cell phone, DIAL 911, walk calmly to the nearest source of help: another person, or a phone to DIAL 911.
IF BITTEN BY ANY OTHER KIND OF SNAKE: Leave the snake alone. Wash the wound with soap and water or an antiseptic and seek medical attention.
IF YOU ARE UNSURE WHAT KIND OF SNAKE BIT YOU: Check the bite for two puncture marks (in rare cases one puncture mark) associated with intense, burning pain.
TWO PUNCTURE MARKS: This is typical of a rattlesnake bite. Other snakebites may leave multiple teeth marks without burning pain.
Rattlesnakes can pose a serious risk to small children, small animals, as well as to adults. Rattlesnakes can bite through clothing and without warning. If a person is ever bit by a rattlesnake - seek medical attention immediately by calling 911.
If you suspect your pet has been bit get to a veterinarian immediately.
The Venomous Snakes we remove most often are of The Rattlesnake family: Such as The Western Diamondback, The Southern Pacific Rattlesnake, The Northern Pacific Rattlesnake, and The Red Diamond Rattlesnake. The non-venomous snakes include: The Gopher Snake. The Garter Snake, The Alameda Whip Snake, The California Banded King snake, The California Stripped King Snake, The Racer, The Bull Snake, The Milk Snake, The Corn Snake, And Rogue Constrictors such as the Boa and Python every now and then.
Our San Diego Snake Removal Service may include:
Inspection and snake threat assessment
Looking in all the areas of the House, Business, or Yard, or field
Catching our Target Animals (if they are still around)
Removal of the nuisance wildlife
We also offer Snake fencing installation
Repairs and or Preventative Maintenance may be needed to keep those pesky Snakes out, and are not typically included in this particular service. Your Snake Pest Control Specialist will advise accordingly.
Squirrel Removal
squirrel removal san diego, ca
At “SPEEDY ANIMAL CONTROL” we strive to quickly capture and relocate the offending Squirrel (s) in the San Diego, and all nearby cities and counties.
The Captured Squirrel (s) are humanely released in approved areas far from their capture sites, or euthanized in a humane manner as the situation dictates.
All trapping is done in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
We humanely capture and remove most animals. Removal of these Squirrel (s) should only be performed by trained and licensed professionals.
In many cases, animals cause moderate to severe damage to property. Preventative maintenance is highly recommended to keep those pesky animals from returning.
Our San Diego Squirrel Control and Squirrel Removal Service includes:
Inspection and Assessment
Setting the appropriate Humane Trap (s)
Squirrel Proofing
Catching our Target Animals
Removal of the nuisance wildlife
Sanitizing and Decontaminating the Affected Area
If baby squirrel (s) are caught, and the mother isn’t, we take them to Project Wildlife, or the closest rehabilitation center and as soon as the mother is caught, we reunite them.
Repairs and or Preventative Maintenance may be needed to keep those pesky Squirrel (s) out, and are not typically included in this particular service. Your Damage Control Specialist will advise accordingly.
Gopher and Mole Removal
gopher and mole removal el Cajon, ca
Whether you need: Live Gopher Trapping in San Diego, Gopher Removal in La Mesa, Or Mole and Gopher Pest Control in Poway. Speedy Animal Control will deploy "The Best Live trapping Gopher Pest Control Trappers" in San Diego to your home.
Our San Diego Gopher Removal Service, Gopher Control and Mole ControlService includes:
Inspection and Gopher Control Assessment
Setting the appropriate Gopher Removal Trap (s)
Removal of live trapped animals
According to the CDFw we can not relocate these animals and must euthanize them after we trap them.
A Preventative Gopher Maintenance Program may be neededto keep those pesky Pocket Gophers or Moles from returning.
The Pocket Gophers in San Diego vary greatly in size. In some parts, they are the size and length of your thumb and yet in others, the size of a baseball and up to 8" long.
The pocket gophers stuff these "pockets" each time they go up to the surface to feed, then take the food back to their "pantry", and empty them out. Its kind of like a storage facility in their underground tunnels.
Unfortunately, not all of Mother Nature's Creatures are nice and cuddly.
Pocket Gophers are very cute to look at, but ever so dangerous to mess with. These guys will bite you if they get a chance.
Gophers can tunnel as little as a couple of inches to several feet down. Gophers create large mounds of dirt on top of the soil.
If you choose not to have us control your Gophers they will most definitely leave large voids in the ground, so that when you step on them, you fall into their holes, or tunnels.
Moles in San Diego
The Moles (Scapanus spp.) in Orange County are small, insect-eating mammals.
Moles live almost entirely underground in a vast network of interconnecting tunnels. They frequently create shallow tunnels just below the surface where they capture worms, insects, and other invertebrates.
They can eat some roots, bulbs, and other plant material, but generally the greatest problem caused by moles is their burrowing, which dislodges plants and dries out their roots.
In lawn areas, the mounds and ridges resulting from their burrowing are unsightly and disfiguring.
Moles have cylindrical bodies with slender, pointed snouts, and short, bare, or sparsely haired tails. Their limbs are short and spade like. Their eyes are poorly developed and their ears are not visible. The fur is short, dense, and velvety. Moles have one litter of three or four young during early spring.
Mounds and surface runways are obvious indicators of the presence of moles. The mounds are formed when moles push soil up to the surface from underground runways. The excavated soil may be in small chunks, and single mounds often appear in a line over the runway connecting them.
Surface feeding burrows appear as ridges that the mole pushes up by forcing its way through the soil. Some of the surface runways are temporary. More permanent tunnels are deeper underground and are usually about 2 inches in diameter and 8 to 12 inches below the surface.Moles are active throughout the year, although surface activity slows or is absent during periods of extreme cold, heat, or drought.
Moles such as this one, cause major havoc and drive us MAD! But don't fear, we can help rid your lawn or hillsides of these pesky Critters.
What damage do moles do?
Moles dislodge turf grass plants as they push up through the soil from just below ground level looking for worms, insects, and other invertebrates.Surface feeding burrows appear as ridges.
The mounds formed by moles are pushed up from an open center hole. The soil may be in chunks, and single mounds often appear in a line over the runway connecting them.
Mole prevention and management:
Trapping is the most dependable method of controlling moles. Various mole traps are available at hardware stores or nurseries. Traps are generally set straddling or encircling the runway. Before setting traps, determine which runways are in current use.
Moles dig a system of deep tunnels as well as a network of surface runs that may only be temporary.
To determine which ones are active, stamp down short sections of surface runways and observe daily for signs of activity. Set traps at least 18 inches from a mound and only in runways used daily.
Deeper tunnels can be located with a probe.
How to tell the Difference between a Gopher and a Mole:
The Gopher and the Mole both tunnel just under the surface leaving a void in the ground. One way to tell if you have a Gopher VS a Mole is that the Gophers create mounds of dirt on top of the soil and The Mole leaves something resembling small ridges on the surface of the soil.
A Gopher as shown in the picture above is a Pocket Gopher. And they can cause major havoc and drive us MAD!
But don't fear, we can help rid your landscape of these pesky Gophers and Moles who destroy your lawns, erode your manicured landscape, eat your most prized flowers, destroy crops, kill precious trees and bushes.
Rodent Removal
We never use poisons to control rodents, rats, or mice.
Rodent Proofing: (this includes rat, mouse, and squirrel proofing) We never like to just trap out the rats. This will end up costing you the same amount or more as having us rat proof your home. We always recommend that you use our Rodent Proofing and Repair Team.
How are we different? What we do is go inside your house, crawl in your attic, garage, under the house, on the roof, and close, or seal up (proofing) all the openings so that no more rats, rodents, or mice can enter the house. We also guarantee our workmanship for a period of two years.
Rodent Proofing Cost:
A typical rodent proofing project of a single story 1200 sq ft home will normally run between $600-$1000 (this all depends on how much proofing is actually needed). This takes one day to seal up and rodent proof and anywhere from two weeks to a month to completely trap out any rodents inside.
After that, you should be rat free. This includes a visit every 5-7 days to check on the progress.
Pricing subject to change according to fuel prices, mileage, and actual work needed. (For Spanish tile and certain specialty roofing tiles as well as multiple stories and Craftsman Style homes, pricing will be higher) We guarantee our workmanship for a period of two years.
Rat Facts
For some people, the common rat can make good pets. If they are unwanted however, rats can be pests.
They pollute food, spread disease, and cause damage by gnawing. Rats are most active at night. If they are seen during the day, there is a good chance there are more around your home.
Rats eat all types of food, including human and pet food.
Types of Rats
Roof Rats: Roof rats are the most common type of rat in San Diego, Ca. They like to climb, rather then burrow, and they live above ground. They are gray or brown in color.
Norway Rats: Norway rats are not commonly found in homes in San Diego. They prefer to burrow outside and are bigger than roof rats. They come in a wide range of colors.
Wood Rats: Wood rats build nests out of sticks and debris. They are not found in homes, but some do nest in outbuildings. They are gray or brown in color.
Rat Diseases:
Rats carry and spread diseases that can harm humans and other animals
Plague: People can be infected with plague from fleas that feed on infected rats, or from being bitten by an infected rat.
Food poisoning: Eating food that has been polluted with rat urine or droppings can cause food poisoning.
Rat-bite fever: A bite from an infected rat can cause rat-bite fever.
Parasites: Some rats can carry tapeworms.
Signs of Rat Activity:
The most common signs of a rat infestation in your home are
Stripped bark from plants and trees
Piles of cut snail shells hidden under plants or piles of wood
Sounds in the attic, floor, and walls
Rat droppings in garages, storage buildings or other sheltered areas
Rub marks caused by greasy rat fur Damaged food containers
Damaged food
Signs of gnawing
We never use poisons to control rodents, rats, or mice. Speedy Animal Control's Pest Control Trapping Team works hard to bring peace of mind to both our customers and wildlife. We strive to quickly capture, exterminate, and sometimes relocate the offending Rodents in the San Diego , Ca area and all nearby cities and counties.
Our San Diego Rodent Rat Trapping, Control, and Removal Program is TOP NOTCH! We Recommend having our technicians do all the repairs at the beginning of the job to insure quick capture and many years of being rodent free.
Doing the job right is not cheap. However, the results speak for themselves. All Repairs are guaranteed for a period one year. We also offer attic cleanup and sanitizing.
What exactly is a rat?
Rats make up the largest single group of mammals on earth, an estimated one-third of the earth's total mammal population. Several kinds of rats and mice are found around the United States. They are referred to as "commensal rodents" because of their need to live with humans. Rats belong to the order of Rodentia.
There are three types of rats which are common invaders of residences. The Norway Rat, Roof Rat, and the House Mouse.The Norway rat is a largest of the three rodents. Its eyes and ears are small, and the tail is shorter than the combined head and body length.
The roof rat is slender and agile, and the tail is longer than the head and body length. This rat may be mistaken for a mouse, especially the adolescent rats which have not reached maturity. The House Mouse is tiniest of the three. The Norway rat is the more common species at present on the California homes, ceilings, and attics.
Roof rats and Norway rats are quick to take advantage of human habitation. They establish nests in Italian cypress, Algerian ivy, bougainvillea, oleander, palm trees, yucca, any heavy, dense shrubbery, wood and lumber piles, storage boxes, tool sheds, and houses. The roof rat prefers to feed on such things as oranges, avocadoes, other ripe fruit, walnuts, pet food, snails, grass and bird seed. The signs of rat activity are: (1) Partially eaten fruit. They tend to gnaw a hole into the fruit three-quarters ( + ) of an inch wide and three-quarters to an inch deep, rather than feeding in general over the surface of the fruit. (2) Snail shells on top of fences and high in bushes is another sign. (3) Signs of gnawing on plastic, wood or rubber material. (4) Fecal pellets (rat droppings) scattered randomly in the areas of rat activity. These pellets are dark to black, usually spindle-shaped and about half an inch long. And finally (5) visual sightings of rats running between bushes, along fences, in trees, and on utility cables.
Can rats get into my attic?
Yes, they are more than nimble and this is where the pest is most often found.
What types of damage do rats cause in an attic?
The main problem rats present, other than the noise they create and diseases they carry is the possibility that they will chew electrical wires creating the potential for a structure fire. Other damage includes: Water damage from chewing pipes, torn up insulation from making bedding, leaky roofs from them chewing access holes in shingles or siding, etc
Should I use poison for rat pest control?
Rat Control issues are very common and will get out of hand very quickly is not taken care of. PLEASE DO NOT USE POISONS, THE ANIMALS WILL DIE IN YOUR WALLS and this is costly, not to mention the horrific odor that accompanies it. If you are a home owner, we recommend you DO NOT use poison baits for rat pest control due to the risk of rats dying inside your home, causing an odor problem. Second hand Poisoning (meaning your pet, another animals, or even your child could get a hold of this and ingest it) this is just another reason you should not poisons of any sort.
I am hearing noises. How can I tell if it is, in fact, rats?
Rats are nocturnal. Meaning nighttime dwellers. This is when they are most active. So if you are hearing chewing, gnawing, scratching, or shuffling in the attic or walls, at night, chances are you may have a rat problem. Noises at night may also indicate squirrels, raccoons, or another intruder. These rodents need much larger holes to enter your home and much less common to be the pest. Our Pest Control Operator will assist you in finding the best course of action to take.
How many rats can possibly be living in my home?
Rats are considered "colonizing rodents" and the number of rats present in your home usually depends on how long the you've had the problem. If left untreated you could easily have rats in the double digits. Repairs and or Preventative Maintenance may be needed to keep those pesky Rats and mice out, and are not typically included in this particular service. Your Pest Control Specialist will advise accordingly. If you need another type of animal caught we can do that too. Check out our list of wildlife animal trapping services that include things like animal control and removal to animal exclusions, repairs and odor removal. Our San Diego Rodent Pest Control Trapping Service of Rats and Mice includes:
Inspection and Rodent Trapper Assessment
Setting the appropriate Rodent Trap (s)
Catching our Target Animals
Removal of the Rodents
Get rid of rats, rodents, mice...
Repairs and or Preventative Maintenance may be needed to keep those pesky Rats out, and are not typically included in this particular service. Your Rodent Pest Control Trapping and Removal Specialist will advise accordingly.
Bird Swallow nest Removal
swallow nest removal
We use professionally installed netting to keep them from coming back next year. Comes with a 2 year guarantee on our workmanship and materials.
Single Story Bird Nest Removal Cost Prevention Cost: $175+Parts+Fuel.
Sanitizing is included. Hard to reach areas, and Pressure Washing is extra.
Second Story or higher Bird Nest Removal and Prevention Cost: Bird nest removal and Bird Proofing and second story home Cost $300/Peak, includes up to 4-6 feet each side of peak.
Some jobs may be more. Sanitizing is included. Hand washing included. Pressure Washing is extra. Hard to reach areas area additional
All Bird deterrents installed according to the jobs needs. We use only the best materials.
Average pricing for the installation of Bird Deterrents is $175 service call+$12.50/linear foot to install the product. If man lifts are needed, those rental prices will be added in. All labor is guaranteed for 2 years. Clean up of bird feces inside of gutters is extra. If you would like to send us pictures so that we can give you an estimate please do: Call or Text (619)370-2761 by email Contact us
We offer pigeon and bird pest control services such as: bird control, bird control product installation, bird removal, pigeon removal, bird clean up, bird spike, bird deterrents, attic cleaning, sanitation, decontamination, attic restoration, bird netting installation, bird net installation, pigeon control, bird nest removal, swallow nest removal, dove nest removal, commercial, residential, property management, bird deterrents, bird barriers, pigeon netting installation, pigeon spike installation, pigeon control company San Diego, attic re-insulation, re-insulate, bird spike installation, bird waste clean up, as well as bird dropping clean up.
At “SPEEDY ANIMAL CONTROL” we strive to quickly eliminate your Pigeon and Bird problems.
We prefer to evict Pigeons and Birds rather then to trap them in cages. However, if this is what you would like, we will do it. Birds have a natural homing beacon built into their brains, and may return.
All trapping is done in accordance with local, state, and federal laws. We humanely capture and remove most animals. Birds can quickly become a pest when they start roosting in your eves or rafters.
Pigeons nesting or roosting on your patio or in your roof, or other birds just causing havoc on your property, should only be removed by trained and licensed professionals who are experts in the bird deterrent field. In many cases, these Pigeon and Bird feces cause harm to people, pets, and livestock.
Preventative maintenance is highly recommended to keep those pesky Pigeons and Birds from returning.
Repairs and or Preventative Maintenance may be needed to keep those pesky Pigeons and Birds out, and are not typically included in this particular service. Your Damage Control Specialist will advise accordingly.
Speedy Animal Control works hard to bring peace of mind to both our customers and wildlife. Our Bird Control in San Diego is TOP NOTCH!
Our Pigeon, Bird, & Wild Animal Removal Specialists cover San Diego and all nearby cities and counties. Trapped Pigeons, Birds, and other Wild Animals are humanely released in approved areas far from their capture sites, or euthanized in a humane manner as the situation dictates.
Many wild animals contain parasites, diseases, and pose health risks. If they are in, or around your home, your health may be adverselyaffected. Removal of these Pigeons and Birds must be done, and should only be performed by trained - licensed professionals.
Our San Diego Bird and Pigeon Pest Control, and Removal Service includes:
Inspection and Assessment
Installing Bird Spike, netting, etc. (If Necessary)
Installing Deterrents
Bird nest Removal
Bird Netting Installation
Evicting our Target Birds
Get rid of pigeons and birds fast Repairs are most definitely the only way to keep them from returning.
Swallow Bird Control:
Swallows make mud nests that damage and deface the eaves and walls of residences, buildings, and bridges. This occurs when the build their mud nests. The soil and saliva come together to make an adobo type nest.
The build up of feces will land on the wall, ground and anything nearby. Bird mites are yet another unsavory pest they bring with them. Once swallows leave, and no birds have returned to the nest for 3-4 weeks, it is time to remove them.
The law states that the nests cannot be disturbed until after September 1st. Any nests left vacant will be soon be occupied by new tenants such as the common house sparrows.
In addition to leaving their mud nests, swallows also leave their parasites behind. Without hosts, these insects tend to move in to your home through open window by way of the screen etc. Swallow prevention is always recommended to keep you and your family safe.
Call today to rid your home or business of that pesky Swallow problem. If you wait to long the swallows prevention window will be closed, and then you have to wait until they leave again. No company will be able to legally remove the nests if it is occupied by swallows.
We are not swallow exterminators, we make repairs once it is leagal to do so to keep them out.
It is a $10,000 fine and will not risk it.
Swallow Proofing There are many swallow proofing products and techniques used to prevent swallows from nesting.
The proofing is usually done after legal removal of the swallow's nest is finished. Many pest control companies use netting, wire, and scare techniques.
However many times this is installed incorrectly and will do no good. We offer a few different proofing techniques to effectively swallow proof a house such as: Bird B Gone products, swallow netting, bird slope, etc. We also color match everything we do as to not visually change your homes exterior. With the proper use of swallow netting, we can keep them away for years to come. Bird gel and Bird Wire should never be used in swallow situations. As it is totally ineffective.
We are certified Bird B Gone Installers which means were know that every swallow issue may need to be handled differently. And that one product doesn't suit all.
So for guaranteed swallow proofing, give Speedy Animal Control a call at (619) 370 - 2761 and get effective proofing without compromise.
One of the oldest, yet tried and true methods of effective Swallow control products we use is called Swallow Netting. We can form it around anything and color match it to make it disappear. Netting can be used under eaves to prevent roosting birds or nesting Swallows.
For the areas above windows we can use a product called Bird Slope. Bird Slope can be used upside down under eaves, above windows etc. to exclude the birds.
Our technicians are Bird B Gone Certified and are well trained in the use of this products.
** Of course, all damage done from acts of God, vandalism, or negligence are not covered under this warranty.
Nest Removal and Decontamination The removal of swallow nests must be timed accordingly to their migration departure. Since swallows are a protected species and hence so are their nests.
Therefore the nests can never be removed until swallows have migrated south and vacated their nests.
Once the nests are vacant (typically after September 1st here in San Diego) birds must be gone for at least a week, it is safe to rid your home from the mud nest, the bird mites, and bird poop.
The swallow nests harbor many parasites such as: ticks, fleas, bird mites. So prior to removal, decontaminations is always performed. After we have decontaminated the swallow nest or nests, we can begin to pry the nest of the wall/eave followed by sanitizing and washing either by hand or by pressure washer.
We install swallow proofing-swallow netting to keep them gone for years to come. Swallow feces - fouling clean up We first sanitize and decontaminate the bird feces then clean it up. After that we either hand wash or power wash depending on the situation. Power washing is not always recommended as it can ruin really old stucco, or damage aged wood siding.
Swallows , The Law, and why you should listen Swallows and even their nests are fully protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which makes it illegal to intentionally kill, injure or take any migratory bird.
It is illegal to intentionally damage or destroy the nest, eggs, or young of a swallow while it is being built or in use. The Act allows fines or prison sentences for every bird, egg or nest destroyed. It is a $10,000 fine.
Identification Thedifferencebetween barn swallows and cliff swallows is quite subtle. One way to tell is the type of nest they build. If the nest is made of big mud pellets and is gourd shaped it is a cliff swallow. If the nest is more like a cup shape with mud, feathers, and or straw it is a barn swallow. Both are slender, sleek birds that spend their spring and summers in North America.
Swallows are very territorial and will return to the same nesting site over and over. Buildings, eaves and other structures often replace cliffs these days to build their distinctive mud pellet nests (see photo at left).
Swallows have brownish red faces and light colored bellies. Cliff swallows have squared off tails, but barn swallows have long forked tails (see photo to left). Young swallows have similar coloring, but are lighter in coloration.
Swallows are small birds with dark glossy backs, red throats, pale under parts and long distinctive tail streamers. They are extremely agile in flight and spend most of their time on the wing. They are widespread breeding birds in the Northern Hemisphere, migrating south in winter.
Recent declines due to loss of habitat quality in both their breeding and wintering grounds mean they are an Amber List species. Amber-list species are those with an unfavorable conservation status in Europe; those whose population or range has declined moderately in recent years; those whose population has declined historically but made a substantial recent recovery; rare breeders; and those with internationally important or localized populations.
Swallows feed on insects and spend a large part of each day in the air catching flies, beetles, and mosquitoes. Their long pointed wings give them great speed and maneuverability.Normally, swallows are not seen on the ground except when collecting mud for their nests which can be as far as 40 miles away.
The cliff swallow is 5 to 6 inches in length and is the only square-tailed swallow in California. In contrast, its long, deeply forked tail distinguishes the barn swallow. The cliff swallow is also recognized by its pale, orange-brown rump, white forehead, dark rust-colored throat, and steel blue crown and back.
These small, nimble birds enjoy special legal protection. Once they have laid their eggs in the nest, you can not disturb them. You must wait until they leave to remove the nests and then exclude them using bird netting, bird slope, or the appropriate product for your proofing solution.
Damage Caused by Swallows
Swallows are often a nuisance in suburban areas as they build their mud nests that damage and deface the outer walls and eaves of residences and office buildings. Swallow feces often end up on the sides of buildings and the ground below from the colony of birds in residence.
Building owners report extra clean up costs and concern over slip and fall liability from swallow dropping buildup, plus an unclean, dirty company image.
The bacteria, fungal agents and parasites found in swallow droppings and nests can carry hosts with serious diseases, including histoplasmosis, encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis, toxoplasmosis and more.
Most bird problems occur in or under your eves, the top of your roof, or any other area they may deem safe to roost. Fouling (Feces from the bird) occurs where birds nest or roost. Apart from being unsightly, the acidic droppings can erode stonework resulting in costly long term damage.
Gutters and drain pipes can become blocked causing flooding. Ladders and fire escapes can become coated with droppings, making them unsafe to use. Droppings can also cause havoc with AC units and electrical systems.
Our Swallow - Bird Control and Removal Service includes: Phone Estimates Inspection and Assessment Bird Nests Removal, clean up, and sanitizing Installing Bird Netting, Bird Slope, Or any other Bird Proofing deterrents to make sure the job is done right.
We provide a 2 year guarantee on all of our work
Bat Removal
bat removal san diego, ca
Often people look for a Bat exterminator service, however we never harm them in any way. We install one way doors to evict them, and keep them gone with our repairs.
Bat problems are not just a commercial issue such as ball parks, schools, and anywhere Bats are fed by humans.
They invade your eves, the top of your roof, patio lights, crevices, attic vents, or any other area they may deem safe to roost and brood their young. Fouling (Feces from the bat, bat guano, bat poop) occurs where bats nest or roost.
Apart from being unsightly, the droppings contain parasites. And are very dangerous for us to breathe in.
Bat Repairs - Brown Bat Exclusion: Exclusion is the best way to deal with a bat colony problem. If you believe you have bats, then give our Bat Control hotline a Call or Text Now (619)370-2761
Bat Control consultation and assessment of Bat problems Removing the bat colony Installing deterrents to make sure they don't return We get rid of bats in chimneys too. Repairing openings after they have left with wire screening and caulking and painted to match Feces Clean up(called bat guano removal service) Power washing and Sanitizing (the wall or ground)
All bat control and bat exclusions are constructed of high quality materials.
We Guarantee our Bat Removal Exclusion for (2 years)
Bat Biology:
Some interesting Biology about the Bats in San Diego: Bats are arguably the most beneficial mammals in the world, bats come in several varieties. The three most common bats in California are the Big Brown Bat, the Little Brown Bat, and THE Mexican Free Tail Bat. The Little Brown Bat is the most common critter we find colonized in homes around the area. Colonized animals such as bates live in large numbers.
The little brown bat found all throughout San Diego is a small mammal with a body length of 3" to 3 1/2" and weighs approximately 1/8 to 1/2 an ounce. The wingspan of little brown bats range from 6 to 8" and they can live 20 to 30 years.
Dietary needs of a bat:
The little brown bat eats insects like gnats, flies, moths, wasps and beetles. The little brown bat hunts at dusk and at night. It uses echolocation to locate prey. It sends out a high-frequency sound. When the sound hits an object, it bounces back to the bat. The bat then can identify what the sound hit and where it is. When it finds its prey, it grabs it with its wings and tucks it into a pouch formed when it brings its wing and tail membranes together. It then grabs the insect with its sharp teeth and eats it!
Bat Colonies:
The goal is to remove the bats before a colony can take hold. We have found houses to contain as little as just one bat, and in very severe cases up to 600 bats. Sometimes they live in chimneys, others in the attic vents. There have been cases in San Diego where the bat colony was over 800 critters. Since bats are very environmentally beneficial, state and local law protects the bat species from the use of any kind of killing removal tactics. This is why Speedy Animal Control handles these kinds of animals in a very delicate manner.
Bat Repairs - Exclusion: Exclusion is the best way to deal with a bat colony problem. If you believe you have bats, then give our Speedy Animal Control hotline a call. (619)370-2761
Bat Facts:
Bats are the only mammals that engage in active flight. As their name suggests, they are glossy brown above with a light buff color below. The Little Brown Bat is found from Labrador west to central Alaska and south to the Appalachians in Florida and Arkansas, located in most states except Florida, California and southern California and Found abundantly throughout New Hampshire.
The brown bat which calls San Diego it's home, is most commonly found bat in residential attic areas. Little brown bats are insectivorous, eating a variety of insects including some agricultural pests.
They can eat 50% of their own body weight each San Diego evening.
Bat Gestation & Reproduction:
During gestation and lactation, they will eat even more. These nocturnal mammals use echolocation to navigate and locate prey. Sexual maturity is reached in 6 to 9 months for females and a year for males. A bat's breeding period is from September to October but the female stores the sperm for fertilization in the spring. The young are born from mid-June to early July.
In San Diego, the little brown bats generally have one offspring per year and occasionally two.
Mating season of little brown bats:
Mating season is in the fall, but fertilization doesn't happen until spring. In the spring little brown bats form huge nursery colonies. A nursery colony may have thousands of bats in it.
The female little brown bat gives birth to only one baby. During birth, the female hangs right-side up! The baby bat attaches itself to a teat. It nurses for about two weeks. It will fly when it is three weeks old. The young become self-supporting within one month. Little brown bats feed primarily over wetlands and other still water where insects are abundant.
They use our California Rivers, streams, and trails as travel corridors to navigate across the landscape. Bats will occasionally swoop down close to mammals to indulge on the insects that often swarm around them. Little brown bats seek cavities for shelter, roosting and brooding.
In summer, females brood their young in dark, warm sites such as attics, caves, barns, hollow tree cavities and other protected areas. Little brown bat roost sites are highly variable and not well known. Don't let the Bats of San Diego take over your home or business, give us a call today (619)370-2761
San Diego Speedy Animal Control are experts in Bat Control, our company is fully Licensed and Insured
Speedy Animal Control works hard to bring peace of mind to both our customers and wildlife. Our San Diego Bat Removal and Bird Control and Removal Program is TOP NOTCH! We also perform other kinds of trapping services from animal control and removal to animal exclusions, repairs and odor removal.
Our San Diego Bat Control Removal Specialists service most San Diego cities and counties including but not limited: Alpine, Aviara, Balboa Park, Barrett, Blossom Valley, Bonita, Bonsall, Bostonia, Camp Pendleton North, Camp Pendleton South, Campo, Cardiff By the Sea, Carlsbad, Casa de Oro, Chula Vista, Corona, Coronado, Crest, Del Mar, Cuyamaca, De Luz, Dehesa, Del Mar, Descanso, Dulzura, Downtown San Diego, San Diego, Encinitas, Escondido, Eucalyptus Hills, Fairbanks Ranch, Fallbrook, Flinn Springs, Granite Hills, Greater San Diego Area, Harbison Canyon, Hidden Meadows, Hillcrest, Imperial Beach, Jacumba, Jamul, Julian, Kensington, La Costa, La Mesa, La Presa, Lake Murray, La Jolla, La Mesa, Lakeside, Lake Elsinore, Lemon Grove, Leucadia, Mount Laguna, Little Italy, Mira Mesa, Mission Beach, Mount Helix National City, North Park, Ocean Beach, Oceanside, Olivenhain, Pacific Beach, Pine Hills, Pine Valley, Potrero, Poway, Ramona, Rainbow, Ranchita, Rancho San Diego, Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Penasquitos, Rancho Santa Fe, San Carlos, San Diego, San Diego Country Estates, San Marcos, Santa Ysabel, San Diego, Scripps Ranch, Solana Beach, Spring Valley, Sunset Cliffs, Talmadge, Temecula, Tierra del Sol, Tierrasanta, Vallecitos, Vista, Warner Springs, Winter Gardens, and all other nearby cities in the San Diego area.
If you would like to know whether or not we remove bats in your area please feel free to Call (619)370-2761 And we would be happy to answer your questions.
All animals, including bats, contain parasites, diseases, and pose health risks. If they are in, or around your home, your health may be adversely affected.
Removal of these wild animals - bats should only be performed by trained and licensed bat removal experts.
Dead Animal Removal
dead animal removal san diego, ca
Exterior: Starts at $95 includes up to an 15 minutes labor if needed.
Interior, Crawlspace or attic: Starts at $175 includes up to an 15 minutes labor if needed.
Repairs: to keep them out start at $15/vent repair. Main Crawlspace doors/Access $35 and up.
Removal of the dead animal and affected materials including soil or insulation
Decontaminating the affected area with a special enzyme based biological decontaminating solution and odor neutralizing agent
Treating the affected area with solutions to neutralize or reduce odors.
Cutting open walls is an everyday event for us. We also crawl under your house and remove the dead animals from there too. Repairs may be needed to keep those pesky animals out, and are not typically included in this particular service.
To help insure that no other animals die in your attic, walls, or under your house.
Our barrier and deterrent exclusion specialists can find and seal those entry points. (prices vary by type of repairs.
If you have a dead animal on streets or alley ways, Call 858-694-7000
If The Dead Animal is under your house, inside your attic, in your yard, or even in an wall, The City of San Diego Will NotRemove The Dead Animal
Please call (619)370-2761 and we'd be happy to help!
Sometimes animals die in attics, walls, or under the house. When these animals pass on, it is often difficult to locate and remove them.
Removal of the dead animals is usually a very dirty job. Often we have to climb into hot attics, underneath wet, muddy, and dusty homes, "sniff out" the animal, remove it and any affected materials, decontaminate the affected area, and then dispose of the carcass in an approved manner.
Dead Animal Removal is definitely not easy and it is never a pleasant experience. However, we strive to make our customers happy by doing everything that we can in the most efficient manner possible.
Our Dead Animal Removal Program in San Diego is TOP NOTCH! We take pride in knowing that we are helping mother nature when no one else will. We perform all kinds of Trapping Services.
So whether you have a Dead Raccoon, Dead Skunk, Dead Opossum, Dead Rodent in a wall, we can help!
To help insure that no other animals die in your attic, walls, or under your house. You will need Repairs.
Our barrier and deterrent exclusion specialists will find and seal the entry points.
Our Damage Control Specialists always work hard to make you happy.
If you would like to know whether or not we cover your area please feel free to Call (619)370-2761 And we would be happy to answer your questions.
Reasons for Concern: The primary concern with dead animals, is of course, the odor. When an animal dies in the attic, wall, or under the house, it will naturally start to decay. When this happens, it gives off a foul smell which will be slight at first, then grow with intensity over time.
The intensity of the smell differs by many factors: Animal Type and Size, location, and Time & Temperature. Animal Type and Size: All animals have Different rates of decomposition. The odors associated with them vary also. A larger animal means more decaying flesh, which means a stronger odor. For example; A dead skunk or raccoon will take longer to decompose and have a stronger odor than a dead mouse.
Location of Carcass: This plays a big part in the way our olfactory senses (noses) pick up the odors. Say for instance, the animal dies under the house next to a foundation vent, you will have more odor seeping to the outside of the house than you have entering it. If it dies in an area with poor ventilation, it will come up through floor boards, through the walls etc. If it happens to die in the attic, the insulation may reduce the odor trailing in through the ceiling. However, if no insulation is present, the smell can spread throughout the whole house.
Time and Temperature: How long the animal has been dead and the temperature in its surrounding area will attribute to how foul and how fast the decomposition will occur.
The hotter the surrounding temperature, the faster the state of decomposition. The cooler, the slower. At first the odor will appear weak, then depending on its time and temperature and location it will increase. There are three periods of decay.
Stage One: The animal dies and gives off a slight odor.
Stage Two: The gasses form with in the carcass, expanding the body cavity. During this time of expansion, it seems like the smell has finally gone away. But don't celebrate yet!
Stage Three: The body bursts from all the built up gasses, causing an even larger stench. This has to be the worst stage. Its at this stage that flies are attracted. From here mother nature and all her insects take over. The odor life cycle varies, depending on the size of the animal.
Why do I smell it stronger in the morning? It maybe that the air is flowing from a different direction during that part of the day. If the animal died in the attic, its possible that cooler evening temperatures have caused cooled the attic just enough to make the odor molecules sink down to the house level.
Why do I smell it stronger at night? It maybe that the air flow has changed from morning to evening. As did the temperature. The animal may have died in the crawlspace under the house. As the temperature rises and so does the air containing the odor molecules of the deceased animal. And Thus carrying the into the house.
Regardless of the how strong the stench is, most people cannot tolerate it. And the removal process must be done!
Call Now and in most cases we can have an Damage Control Operator out to you the same day!
Feel safe again in no time.
Open 7 Days a week! Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 3:00 pm Sat - Sun 8:00 am to 1:00 pm